Green (PR) Machine

For those of you who didn’t already know, I’m standing as a Green Party candidate for the council elections here in Bexley again on Thursday.

Again, I’m unlikely to win, Bexley being about as right-wing as it gets, but it’s about giving the people the choice and putting the possibility of Green politics in their head, even if they still tick the same old “Conservative” box when it comes to voting.

wpid-20140518_053722.jpgStill, never mind.

I wanted to thank my tireless PR machine, i.e., Millie and Amber, who helped me deliver a few hundred Green Party leaflets yesterday.

After a full day of school, on a very hot and sunny afternoon, both of them were incredibly enthusiastic and eager to help.  Despite the occasional excited dog or impenetrable letterbox they scampered about the local streets dispensing leaflets to one and all; I barely got to post a single leaflet, they were both so quick!

What could have felt like rather a thankless task was turned into some genuinely lovely father-daughter time, and I was very proud indeed of them both. 🙂

One comment

  1. I have a deep respect for anyone who puts themselves out there to try and make a difference in their community. Most people just sit at home and complain about it – many not even bothering to vote. Kudos to you and best wishes!


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