Any colour, so long as it’s black!

CarpetRight were coming to fit our floor today. At last – almost five months after it was originally planned, delayed, put on hold for three months, rescheduled and then rescheduled again.

There were jokes at our house: I wonder what excuse they’ll find this time? Ho ho ho!

And then, just in case, the Lovely Melanie rang them – just in case they’d forgotten us or something. They do have previous on this – last time the fitter called in sick on the day, but they managed to get one guy to come the next day.

So the Lovely Melanie rang them.

“Who are you? What are you talking about?” asked CarpetRight, “Why are you bothering us?”

They’d forgotten. There was no record of our booking to have a new floor fitted today.

But, after being passed around and following a lot of scrambling about for details, somebody eventually promised that, yes, they would be round this morning, no question. So, again last night we moved all our hundreds and hundreds of books out of the dining room.

And again this morning they rang us to say the fitter had called in sick.

You can book CarpetRight to come round on a day that’s convenient for you – that’s the CarpetRight challenge. Choose your day.

But whatever day you choose they’ll cancel it and come on a day convenient for them.

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