Freelance explosion

I’ve been writing a lot this week, just…not here.

Following a month in which the freelance work seemed to have dried up completely (and there wasn’t exactly masses of it to begin with), I’d begun looking for ordinary full-time paid in-the-office writing work again.

The original work for which I quit my job, and had been a constant for six months, had ground to a sad halt; the single biggish website job I’d landed had stopped answering emails (never very fast at replying, the protracted silence seemed pretty final), and there was no other work on the horizon.

Back to the 9-to-5, I supposed and began applying for jobs again – although, only interesting and decently-paid jobs. And the responses were very positive: I was expecting to have a new job within six weeks at most.

Until, like a bolt from the blue, a medtech job I’d applied to, interviewed for, received “superb” feedback in response, and then never heard from again, got in touch asking if I was interested in freelancing for them.

The next day I heard from biggish website job,; the day after that there was some stirring from original work, as well as three job interviews.

And work from the medtech job has begun to pour in. They want copy as fast as I can write it – which is great for me because it’s well-paid, interesting, and the company seems to trust what I’m writing (so far…)

So now there’s a choice: return to the safety of permanent work or continue freelance? I think it’s going to depend upon the individual offers (if any materialise!) I’d be a fool to turn down a good offer for a great permanent job; but what if a viable freelance career is finally beckoning…??Decision

I suspect there’s no right or wrong answer here; that whichever path I choose will work out great, but there’s a stupid little voice in my head that says “Yeah, I’m sure you’re right. But what if you’re not?”

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